

中央卡罗莱纳社区学院(推荐正规买球平台)作为个人的催化剂, 社区, 以及通过终身学习赋予权力来实现经济发展. We are committed to learning by supporting 和 assisting students in achieving their 教育 goals. The 学生无障碍服务办公室 partners with other departments in order to ensure access to education 和 services offered to all students.

Student 可访问性 服务 works to establish 教育 accommodations for students who qualify for services in compliance with The American with Disabilities Act 和 its Amendments as well as Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. 协调员会见学生,审查他们的需求和, 当认为合理时, creates an accommodation plan that is shared with faculty 和 staff as requested by the student.


注意:有些住宿需要的时间比其他住宿要长. 请至少提前3周以书面形式提出申请.

  • Complete an admission application with 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 Admissions Office.
  • The student must self-identify to the 学生无障碍服务办公室 by completing the 学生身份证明包. 要求住宿是学生的责任.
  • Submit current documentation of the disability for which accommodations are requested. Current documentation is defined as documentation that was written within the last 3-5 years. 如果您没有当前的文档, please provide what you have 和 the coordinator will inform you of next steps as needed.
  • 一旦收到并审查了文件, 协调员会给学生发邮件, using their Cougarmail Email to inform them of next steps including a request to meet. 本次会议需要住宿和/或服务开始.
  • 与学生无障碍服务协调员预约.
  • 学生将与学生无障碍服务协调员会面. This meeting is an interactive process 和 extremely helpful in making determinations. 在会议期间,协调员和学生将:
    • 讨论功能限制和症状.
    • 讨论你有资格获得的学术服务和/或住宿.
    • Complete 和 sign the Accommodation Letter; 和
    • Discuss Student 可访问性 服务 和/or 学术援助中心 procedures 和 student responsibilities.

It is best to start this process as early as possible 和 at least three weeks prior to starting classes.


一旦你完成了最初的识别过程, students are responsible for notifying the 学生无障碍服务办公室 each semester by completing a Student Schedule Request form (Link). 住宿计划通过电子邮件发送给教员, advisors 和 test proctors as released by the student 和/or needed to implement accommodations, 计划在学生和他们的老师签署之后才生效. 最好在学生注册课程后尽快完成这份文件.


The st和ard format for medical documentation required by 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's 学生无障碍服务办公室 is as follows:

  • 适当持牌专业人员的诊断(签名)
  • Diagnosis on official letterhead with contact information (not on a prescription memo pad)
  • 信息必须是最新的(3年内),并包括:诊断和症状, 学术住宿推荐, 和 a list of all currently-prescribed medications 和 side effects if not taken as prescribed

如果您有其他文档, please feel free to submit what you have available for review by the Coordinator of Student 可访问性 服务.

Click for a more thorough explanation of each disabilities' documentation requirements

  • 添加/多动症
    • 有执照的专业医师的诊断, 有执照的心理学家, 注册咨询师, 神经生理学, 或心理健康专家)
    • 专业住宿建议
    • Professional list of current medication(s) 和 side effects if not taken as prescribed
  • 情感(精神)
    • 有执照的临床心理学家的诊断, 精神科医生, Psychiatric Advanced Practice 注册ed Nurse (APRN) licensed clinical social workers, 或者其他受过相关培训的医生
    • 专业住宿建议
    • Professional list of current medication(s) 和 side effects if not taken as prescribed
  • 听力障碍
    • 有执照的听力学家的损伤诊断
    • Assessment should include functional limitations in an academic environment that would impede learning
    • 专业住宿建议
  • 学习障碍
    • 学习障碍专家或有执照的心理学家的诊断:临床, 教育, 学校, 或神经心理学家
    • Assessment must include aptitude-testing, achievement-testing, or analysis of information processing
    • 专业住宿建议
    • Professional list of current medication(s) 和 side effects if not taken as prescribed
  • 精神障碍
    • 由发育儿科医生诊断并明确识别症状, 神经学家, 精神病学家, 心理学家, 神经心理学家, 等.
    • A recent psychological or neuropsychological examination detailing the individual's current cognitive functioning as it impacts the 教育 environment
    • 专业住宿建议
    • Professional list of current medication(s) 和 side effects if not taken as prescribed
  • 矫形损伤(身体残疾不明显)
    • Documentation from a licensed/qualified professional such as a physician or a licensed physical therapist
    • 专业住宿建议
    • Professional list of current medication(s) 和 side effects if not taken as prescribed
  • 视力障碍(失明或低视力)
    • 验光师或眼科医生的证明文件
    • Assessment should include functional limitations in an academic environment that would impede learning
    • 专业住宿建议


如果你想做外科手术, please communicate this to your Instructor(s) so that you both can establish how to be proactive at not missing assignments or falling behind in the material.

Follow the st和ard 学生无障碍服务办公室 intake process by completing the necessary paperwork (intake packet). 学生仍然需要提供包括诊断在内的医疗文件, 预计状态持续时间, 治疗, 和局限性.


请致电(919)718-7414或发送电子邮件 sas@aaay5.com 安排与协调员的会面.

The 学生无障碍服务办公室 is located on the 利美校园 in 霍克蒂大厅. 学生将在大厅登记,并通知协调员. 为哈内特县和查塔姆县提供服务, when possible the coordinator schedules regular office hours on the Lillington Main Campus 和 Pittsboro Main Campus or is available by virtual appointment.

It is best to schedule an appointment in advance to ensure your needs can be met in a timely manner.


  • 就合理安排进行谘询
  • Adapting a classroom for a student who uses a wheelchair with adjustable height tables or other appropriate equipment
  • 考试安排,如延长考试时间, distraction-reduced环境, 和, 满足特定需求的备选格式
  • 提供使用辅助技术的,如大声朗读, 文本放大机, 或者听写软件
  • 手语翻译的提供辅助工具的,如手语翻译, 或者其他形式的书
  • 允许打论文或写作作业


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院将提供“适当的学术住宿”.“如果学院可以的话, it will provide the student with an auxiliary aid or accommodation that is equally as effective as the one being requested 和 less expensive. The College is not required to provide the more expensive auxiliary aid or accommodation.

相应的, it is the policy of 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 to foster a campus environment which empowers individuals to bring forth claims of illegal discrimination without fear of retaliation.

Illegal discrimination shall be defined as any action or decision that interferes or denies a person employment or participation in any 教育 program/activity at 推荐正规买球平台 based upon race, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 年龄, 性与性取向, 性别, 家庭地位, 残疾状态, 资深地位, 或者任何健康或基因信息.

中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 supports the protection available to members of its 社区 under all applicable Federal Laws, 包括1964年和1991年民权法案的第六章和第七章, 1972年教育修正案第九条, 《推荐正规买球平台》第799A和845条, 《同工同酬和年龄歧视法案, 1973年的康复法案, 1990年的《美国残疾人法案, 以及第11375号行政命令.

Please follow the Grievance Process Instructions listed on the 住宿申诉表格(link). 投诉人应填妥 住宿申诉表格.